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[[annotation in left margin written in red]] Cygnet Canada [[/annotation]]
Sept 7. Up early. Went to Whitehall. Got in 61 gallons of [[red underline]] gasoline at 18c [[/red underline]] and put up supply of groceries. There met Yacht Madge with a certain Mr. Austen aboard who says he knows me thru Mr. John Bush. Sent telegram to [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] and left at 10:05 AM. Cloudy weather at first clearing up afterwards. Southerly [[strikethrough]] win [[/strikethrough]] breeze. 
10:50 Chubb's Dock
[[strikethrough]] 11:00 [[/underlined]] 
11:05 The [[red underline]] Narrows [[/red underline]]
12:20 Chapman's Point
12:30 Fort Ticonderoga
      reminescenses of cruise of 1901
 1:06 P.M The Bridge
 2:35 Crown Point Light
 3:30 Cole's Bay
 4:00 Westport
Dropped anchor about 500 feet North of Pier in about 4 feet 
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[[annotation in left margin written in red]] Cygnet [[/annotation]]
water. During the night some heavy rain.

Sept 8. Up early at about 5:30 [[red underline]] trolling. [[/red underline]] Beautiful day. caught no fish but took excellent swim. [[strikethrough]] I was [[/strikethrough]] Sent [[red underline]] out Albert [[/red underline]] to village to find out about time tables from New York and to see if there is any mail. [[strikethrough]] Whi [[/strikethrough]] so as to be able to telegraph [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] to join me. 
In the mean time was outfitting my new switchboard. [[red underline]] Was quite astonished [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] by unexpected arrival of George in a rowboat. [[/red underline]]
[[annotation in left margin written in red]] !! [[/annotation]] Told [[red underline]] me Celine was at the hotel and they [[/red underline]] had travelled since Sunday to locate me. Shortly afterwards Celine came aboard. Seems to have been [[red underline]] some misunderstanding [[/red underline]] 
she understood me to say she should join at Albany. After lunch we went out for excursion to [[red underline]] Crown Point Light [[/red underline]] Delightful weather, every-