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[[Note: 'Cygnet Canada' written in red pencil vertically in left margin]]
when this country was at war with England.  Dropped anchor almost in channel near small Island (Hospital I.?) Delightful weather, water smooth as a mirror slight current.  Beautiful sunset  
Flat farm lands and well kept farms on both shores.  Country so flat it [[underlined in red]] reminds of Flanders.  George [[/underlined in red]] and Albert kept fishing  [[strikethrough]] b [[/strikethrough]] in their [[underlined in red]] drawers [[/underlined in red]] till late after midnight.  [[underlined in red]] George's alarm [[/underlined in red]] about 11 [[strikethrough]] AM [[/strikethrough]] P.M that we were drifting proved fortunately a false alarm.  We were simply shifted over the bar.  Delightful night. just right temperature and enough slight breeze to give us air.  Thermometer was 80°F all day. dropped to 70°F.  Beautiful starry night.
Sept 10.  Up at 6:00 A.M.  [[underlined in red]] Celine [[/underlined in red]] soon followed me but [[underlined in red]] George [[/underlined in red]] is tightly wrapped in his blankets.  Beautiful  clear
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[[Note: 'Cygnet Canada' written in red pencil vertically in left margin]]
day with slight [[strikethrough]] S [[/strikethrough]] South Westerly breeze.  Left at 8:00 AM.  Restful landscape, some fishermen, flat lands and farms, some country houses.  Villa des Colonnes etc. with landings  [[underlined in red]] French flags and British flags [[/underlined in red]].  At 10:30 AM arrived at [[underlined in red]] St. John [[/underlined in red]] Yacht Club.  Good landing.  Then at custom house float. [[underlined in red]] Monsieur Quesnel [[/underlined in red]] is custom house officer very polite, [[strikethrough]] spoke [[/strikethrough]] all spoke french.  Gave us permit for [[underlined in red]] canal [[/underlined in red]] and made a very informal inspection just came aboard but examined nothing.  Hand wavings and boy voyage then thru first drawbridge, small one man affair; then first lock and we are on the [[underlined in red]] Chambly canal [[/underlined in red]] at 11:10 A.M.  Pretty canal but no boats whatsoever on it, we had everything our own way.  Bridges turned in advance and locks promptly open and shut.