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[[Note: 'Cygnet Canada' written in red pencil vertically in left margin]]
come along and shouted and waved to all boats ashore where he saw people he knew. His french was so bad that I can only understand now and then a word altho' thus far the [[red underline]] better educated french canadians speak very good french. [[/red underline]] Finally got to a sheltered place beyond the docks and ahead of [[red underline]] Vickers works [[/red underline]] where there are many small launches. 
Dropped anchor cautiously there is plenty of water and out of the current altho' water is choppy so boat keeps on rocking continuously. 
But there is no strain on the rope. There is an ash embankment and a freight railroad. Near embankment is a little 
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[[Note: 'Cygnet Canada' written in red pencil vertically in left margin]]
shed where some canadian keeps a gasoline and oil supply also an improvised float which makes landing with Dinghey easy. I left [[red underline]] George and Albert [[/red underline]] aboard and I found [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] at Windsor hotel where she had preceded me. I find that we are anchored at [[red underline]] Maison neuve [[/red underline]] a suburb of Montreal, near 5th Ave and that the Notre-Dame electric car. ("tchar" as my french canadian guide calls it) leads near Windsor Hotel. After a hurried supper [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] and I went walking in the streets. All shops very [[strikethrough]] ill [[/strikethrough]] much illuminated and thick throngs of walkers and shoppers along side walks. Noticed [[red underline]] many soldiers in new uniforms grayish green wool khaki [[/red underline]]