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[[Note: 'Cygnet Canada' written in red pencil vertically in left margin]]
new leather strappings spurs etc.  Also [[underlined in red]] scotch uniforms [[/underlined in red]] also in kaki [[underlined in red]] kilt [[/underlined in red]] and tunic all the same kaki color instead of former gray very visible colors.  Also [[underlined in red]] recruiting [[/underlined in red]] tents and placards and signs everywhere. [[underlined in red]] "Now do your duty" [[/underlined in red]] etc. enlist in the Scotch Highlanders."  or [[underlined in red]] "Joignez le regiment canadien" [[/underlined in red]] etc.  In all squares and parts a small [[underlined in red]] pointed tent [[/underlined in red]] with two or three [[underlined in red]] recruiting officers.  Soldiers seem almost always accompanied by [[/underlined in red]] a girl.  In hotel dining room too and in lobby notice [[underlined in red]] soldiers and officers in kaki uniform. [[/underlined in red]] Outside of this everything seems [[underlined in red]] to go on as usually. [[/underlined in red]]
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Sept 12 1915/ (Sunday) Got up rather late after delightful rest so [[underlined in red]] Celine [[/underlined in red]] and I went to the boat at about 11 AM. but saw [[underlined in red]] George [[/underlined in red]] was running about on deck in his shirt and was just dressing.  They slept longer than we.  He tells me [[underlined in red]] more [[strikethrough]] ships have [[/strikethrough]] transport ships have left. [[/underlined in red]] There is no doubt that there is great activity of [[underlined in red]] war-shipping. [[underlined in red]] George went with us for lunch at hotel. then we went out for a long carriage drive around town and [[underlined in red]] Mount Royal [[/underlined in red]] etc.  Slight rain.  Then took supper at [[underlined in red]] Ritz Carlton [[underlined in red]] [[strikethrough]] I [[strikethrough]] I went aboard while [[underlined in red]] George [[/underlined in red]] remained with [[underlined in red]] Celine to leave to morrow morning for Raquette Lake [[/underlined in red]] then to Yonkers.  I left about 10 P.M increasing rain, [[strikethrough]] wo [[/strikethrough]] waded in darkness thru the mud