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[[Note: 'Cygnet Canada' written in red pencil vertically in left margin]]
to the landing there a man rowed me aboard. [[underlined]] Sept 13. [[/underlined]] [[underlined in red]] Boat [[/underlined in red]] kept rocking all night. Rain and Eastern winds. Filled up with gasoline this morning then [[underlined in red]] Albert [[/underlined in red]] went sight seeing while I remained aboard reading and writing up my notes. Steady, [[underlined in red]] steady rocking. [[/underlined in red]] rather tiresome altho' not excessive. Everything looks gray and it feels cold and wintery after the bright sunny days we have had. Albert came back at 6P.M. I went ashore . went to theatre then to Windsor Hotel. Rainy
Sept 14. I up early weather is uncomfortably warm again. Went to Dr. [[underlined in red]] Milton Henry's [[/underlined in red]] office. He was glad to see
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me in his office hang the portraits of [[underlined in red]] two of his sons who are at the front. He was not bitter towards the Germans but said canadians felt every man had to do his duty. His sons  were students underlined at McGill but most  of the students had become volunteers [[/underlined in red]] and lectures are practically disorganized on account of so [[underlined in red]] few students remaining. All this reminds of the seriousness of situation. [[/underlined in red]]
Last night I saw in New York papers [[underlined in red]] that I am one of the 22 selected by different [[Note: vertical line in left margin beginning at the word "scientific" to end of page]] scientific societies of the United States to [[strikethrough]] form [[/strikethrough]] constitute the [[strikethrough]] adv [[/strikethrough]] naval advisory committee of which Edison is chairman. [[/underlined in red]] This is a distinct honor specially as I am the only [[underlined in red]] one foreign born american [[/underlined in red]] on this committee.