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The committee is made up as follows:  Thomas A. Edison as Chairman

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Gilbert Hirsch 
First Meeting to Be Held on October 6 -- Personnel Announced.
WASHINGTON, September 13. -- Officials are planning for the first meeting of the new Naval Advisory Board which will direct its activities toward improving the American navy through science and invention.  Secretary Daniels's announcement of the Board's personnel said it would have its first session in his office on October 6.  Thomas A. Edison, the Chairman, will preside.  The 22 members of the board, exclusive of Mr. Edison, were nominated by eleven scientific and engineering societies at the request of Secretary Daniels who sought to mobilize the country's inventive genius for the navy as a step in national defense plans.  "The Board's recommendations and conclusion will have great weight," Mr. Daniels said, "in the forming of the Administration's proposals to Congress and in the operation and development of the navy."
[[centered underscore]]
Secretary Daniels's announcement of the personnel of the Naval Advisory Board was published this morning.  Except for Thomas A. Edison, who was appointed chairman of the Board by Secretary Daniels, the members were chosen by eleven scientific societies, each selected two representatives.  The member is as follows:
Thomas A. Edison, chairman:  Dr. W. R. Whitney and Dr. L. H. Baekeland, of the American Chemical Society; Frank Julian Sprague and E.G. Lamme, of the American Institute of Electrical Engineering; Dr. Robert Simpson Woodward and Dr. Arthur Gordon Webster, of the American Mathematical Society; Andrew Murray Hunt and Alfred Crave, of the American Society of Civil Engineers; Matthew Bacon Sellers and Hudson Maxim, of the American Aeronautical Society; Dr. Peter Cooper Hewitt and Thomas Robins, of the Inventors' Build; Howard E. Coffin and Andrew L. Riker, of the American Society of Automobile Engineers; William Lawrence Saunders and Benjamin Bowditch Thayer, of the American Institute of Mining Engineers (metals); Dr. Joseph William Richards and Lawrence Addicks, of the American Electro-Chemical Society;  William Le Roy Emmet and Spencer Miller, of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Henry Alexander Wise Wood and Elmer Ambrose Sperry of the American Society of Aeronautic Engineers.
The first meeting of the Board has been set for October 6, in the offices of the Secretary of the Navy.  Mr. Edison will preside.  At that time the organization of the body will be perfected, and arrangements made for subdividing it into convenient groups for the study of the problems that will come before it.
[[centered]] WILL PASS ON INVENTIONS [[/centered]]
Secretary Daniels, at Raleigh last night, added this statement to the announcement on the Naval Advisory Board:
The European war has demonstrated that the country that will win is the country that has the latest improvements of inventive genius.  Inventors, chemists, mathematicians, scientists, therefore, take their place as leaders in modern warfare.
How can America be prepared for an emergency?  Not alone with a big navy and a strong army.  It must have equipment from the best brains.  I am seeking for the navy preparedness to mobilize the brains and genius and inventive talent of America.  It is gratifying that the most important societies in America have responded to my invitation to make this patriotic contribution.  With Mr. Edison at the head, the Board will render service of the highest order, and its members are entitled to the thanks of the American people.  They serve without compensation and are prompted to do so because their country calls them to patriotic service.
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[[Cygnet Canada written vertically in red in left margin]]
[[underlined in red]] Hersey [[/underlined in red]] took me to [[underlined in red]] St. James Club [[/underlined in red]] for lunch then took me to McGill to meet Prof. [[underlined in red]] Barnes [[/underlined in red]]of the dept. of Physics, successor of [[underlined in red]] Rutherford [[/underlined in red]].  On the campus of the University [[strikethrough]] I saw [[strikethrough]] [[underlined in red]] the only students were drilling in shirt sleeves, under a drill sergeant, preparing to [[strikethough]] join [[/strikethrough]] go to the front.  Hersey [[/underlined in red]] motored me all over Montreal Island, as far as [[underlined in red]] "Bout de l'Isle". [[/underlined in red]] All this reminds very much of Flanders.  Evening went on board the Yacht.  Weather was very warm on land but deliciously cool on board.  Slept little boat kept rocking all night.
Sept. 15.  Up early.  Beautiful calm weather with just slight haze over surface of water.  Lifted anchor at 6:45 AM. arrived at [[underlined in red]] Sorel [[/underlined in red]] at 10:40 A.M making the 43 miles in less than 4 hours notwithstanding the coiled