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exhibits.  Near by the [[red underline]] Condensite Co. [[/red underline]] exhibited too [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] a rather good exhibit altho' not so elaborate and varied as ours.
Roessler Hasslacher, Solvay, and many other large firms totally absent, while General Chemical Co had the idiotic idea of exhibiting their baking powder, a new article which they are just introducing.
I had [[red underline]] an address to deliver Chemical Industries in [[strikethrough]] Ameri [[/strikethrough]] the United States. [[/red underline]] Room well filled but rather unpleasant as far as accoustics and general seating capacity.
Had to shout to be heard.  Everybody seemed very kind to me.  Went home with 11:40 train. [[strikethrough]] E [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] What a [[strikethrough]] chan [[/strikethrough]] sudden change in this artificial world from my simple [[/red underline]]  
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[[red underline]] life on the "Cygnet." [[/red underline]] 

[[black underline]] Sept. 25. [[/black underline]]
After dictating some more letters went to see the exhibition again in a more undisturbed way.  Then lunched at Chemists Club which has been much attended during exhibition period.  Then after lunch again to exhibition.
Went for supper with [[red underline]] Skinner of Westinghouse and Dr. Bacon [[/red underline]] of Mellin Institute to University Club.  then returned to Exhibition where I was very glad to find [[red underline]] George. [[/red underline]] My friends seemed glad to meet him and made complimentary remarks about his appearance. Skinner had come from Pittsburgh to confer with [[red underline]] Boonton Rubber [[/red underline]] Co and ourselves about some recent troubles with their molded insulators which showed [[red underline]] insufficient dielectric strength [[/red underline]] and which caused great uneasiness at