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went to Brooklyn laboratory.  [[red underline]] Paulus [[/red underline]] equipment nearly ready except for delays in delivery of some machinery.  Paulus complains of delays caused by lack of enthusiasm of his foreman [[red underline]] imposed upon him by the Royal Co. [[/red underline]] No wonder, the man is [[red underline]] seventy years old. [[red underline]]  [[circle with cross on top 4 hours in left margin]] The chemists all agree about favorable return of neutralizing with NaOH instead of NaC03.  Are able now to [[red underline]] use iron cathodes with better effect than nickel or any other metal. [[/red underline]] Yields verified and repeated by all 3 chemists are now 90% in converter cell using factory liquor instead of purified liquor.  Purified liquor not necessary to obtain these high yields, contrary to our former opinion.  Has been shown also that potassium salts
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are not better than sodium salts thus disposing definitely [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] of this long discussed subject.
Went with [[red underline]] Peter [[/red underline]] for supper at Mouquin where we discussed further our problems.
[[red underline]] Sutherland [[/red underline]] tells me [[red underline]] Zinsser has broken off with Wiechman [[/ red underline]]and that [[red underline]] Mrs. Wiechman is abusing Zinsser [[/red underline]] in great style.  I told him she must be an expert in that line by this time since she trained herself so well when she abused me. [[red underline]] Zinsser has lost $14000 in his attempts to infringe my patents by his "phenoform". [[/red underline]]
[[red underline]] [[Cogelton?]] [[/red underline]] is no longer research assistant but is now bookkeeper of [[red underline]] Zinsser.[[/red underline]] Home with 11:30 P.M train
Sept 30.  Spent all morning dictating letters to Porter and Hooker. [[circle with cross above 2 hours in left margin]]  Afternoon had visit of Mr. and [[red underline]] Mrs. Bruère [[/red underline]] who came to interview me for [[red underline]] Harper's Magazine [[/red underline]] to get