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[[Note in left margin underlined in red:  Frank Dyer was Edison's lawyer and Business manager]]
[[red underline]] "You will have lots of trouble with him."  "He thinks he can do everything. For instance he tries to manage and conduct the business as well as the laboratory of his company.  He is stone-deaf and knows [[/red underline]] nothing about music, yet [[red underline]] persists in selecting the music for his phonographs, in fact selects the performers violin, trombone, flute etc! -- Then I fear, that before you know it he will blunder in trying to sell his storage battery to the navy and all the manufacturers of storage batteries are lying in [[strikethrough]] tu [[/strikethrough]] wait until this happens to discredit the advisory board by raising a storm of protests." [[/red underline]]  Then I asked him if all the nonsense which appeared in the newspaper
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as interviews with Edison were not published contrary to his statements.  To which [[red underline]] Dyer [[/red underline]] answered. "The old man dearly loves to advertise himself."  I was rather astonished at these blunt statements because Dyer knows Edison and until about 2 or 3 years was the [[red underline]] president and manager of his companies. [[/red underline]]
[[Note in left margin: # 4 hours Hooker 2 telegrams]]
After hearing was over spent remainder of afternoon with [[red underline]] Townsend [[/red underline]] on subject of Hooker.  Saw his interesting results with use of [[red underline]] Oxide of Zinc in chlorination of Benzol. [[/red underline]] Had consultation [[strikethrough]] of [[strikethrough]] with him and [[red underline]] Dr. Marsh. [[/red underline]] Advised them to extend his method over other chlorination processes, for [[red underline]] instance Napthalene [[/red underline]] Absolute alcohol, dilute alcohol, fermented moist methyl alcohol, acetic acid carbon disulphide etc.