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[[red underline]] Civil Engineer H.R. Stanford, [[/red underline]]  Chief Bureau Yards and Docks.
Wears a black [[strikethrough]] wiy [[/strikethrough]] wig on top of his head, or wears [[overwritten]] hear [[/overwritten]] hair that [[black underline]] looks [[/black underline]] like a wig.  Has rather wet eyes, [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] however seems well ported on his subject

Paymaster [[red underline]] General Samuel McGowan. [[/red underline]] A good looking youngish looking man of about 45. well dressed, sporty appearance, cheerful and ready to tell or listen to a story
a [[red underline]] friend of Capt McDonald of Yokohama [[/red underline]] of whom he speaks highly

Surgeon [[red underline]] General W.C. Braisted,[[/red underline]] Chief of Bureau of Medicine
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and Surgery.  He tells me his original name of his ancestors was [[black underline]] Van [[/black underline]] Braisted or [[black underline]] Breestad. [[/black underline]] Pleasant, suave manner, looks and talks more like a clergyman or a lawyer, but seems current and well ported on his subject.  ^[[He]] Regrets that our board does not include one or two medical men.

Major General [[red underline]] George Barnett [[/red underline]] Commandant of Marine Corps. Pleasant gentleman, ready to accept the humor of a situation after you have talked to him for a few minutes.

Captain [[red underline]] Ridley McLean Judge Advocate General [[/red underline]] of the Navy.  With his compressed head rather broad and squatty, and rather common-