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[[red underline]] Prof. Arthur C. Webster [[/red underline]] professor of Physics at Clark University, came to me to tell me he knew me thru [[red underline]] Rosanof. [[/red underline]] Is a long friend of Pupin with whom he studied in Berlin.  Pleasant sociable, likes to make a speech in which he expresses himself freely.  Made a general good impression.  ^[[Later showed signs of insanity and quarreled with everybody.  Some years later committed suicide]]

[[red underline]] A.M. Hunt [[/red underline]] * sits quiet looks serious and sad says little except once in while, same sad way. ^[[*formerly of U.S. Navy but resigned]]

[[red underline]]  Alfred Craven. [[/red underline]] Civil engineer.  Stout and heavy looks more like a bank president, says little, rather
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unmovable face. ^[[Former officer of U.S. Navy - resigned]]

[[red underline]] Spencer Miller [[/red underline]] do not remember him.- ^[[Mechanical Engineer Very talkative and assertive]]

[[red underline]] William Le Roy Emmet [[/red underline]] ready to make a speech, talks rather dryly as if he had some complaint to make.  Looks very dry. ^[[Resigned from U.S. Navy now Consulting Engineer of General Electric Co.]]

[[red underline]] Matthew Sellers [[/red underline]] Do not remember. ^[[Sent by Aeronautical Society.- Seems insignificant, but keeps quiet.]]

[[red underline]] Hudson Maxim. [[/red underline]] ready as usual to put himself in foreground, and to use oratory in his speech and then gives feeling of uneasiness to other members who always fear what he might say next.  Is here thru aeronautical society.