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machines to take our photographs.  Walked to [[strikethrough]] President [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] White House [[/red underline]] on entering and leaving more cameras and cameras.- [[red underline]] Wilson looked [[/red underline]] serious but made a short, sincere, hearty little speech of welcome, telling what he expected of us. Says [[strikethrough]] America [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] spirit of America is Spirit of Peace but he believes in adequate defense. [[/red underline]] Then motor taxi-cabs drove us to [[red underline]] Navy Yard. [[/red underline]] I was with Sprague, Hewitt and Robins.  At Navy Yard [[red underline]] company of Marines in full uniform [[/red underline]] present arms, band plays "Hail to the Chief" and [[red underline]] Daniels [[/red underline]] escorts us aboard the [[red underline]] President's [[/red underline]]
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[[red underline]] Yacht the Mayflower. [[/red underline]] which during the Spanish war has been purchased from Ogden Goelet. Yacht is a [[red underline]] magnificent Steam Yacht about 300 feet long and [[/red underline]] 35 beam. When we [[strikethrough]] enter the [[/strikethrough]] board, everybody stands attention, clairons salute, boatswain [[strikethrough]] whistles fil [[/strikethrough]] blows his shrill whistle etc. etc. Very impressive. [[red underline]] Trip up Potomac very lovely but time taken up in getting acquainted and talking over [[/red underline]]   different matters.  Light lunch served aboard, with mineral water and coffee [[red underline]] no alcoholic drinks. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] It wa [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Daniels very [[/red underline]] friendly and gives [[strikethrough]] ear t [[/strikethrough]] air of ease to everybody, seems desirous to hear our personal points of view, seems happy of the  

Transcription Notes:
The name in question on page 76 of 100 is Lawrence W. Addicks, President of American Electrochemical Society.