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[[vertical note in red in left margin: Smokeless powder]]

after eliminating the water can be redissolved and used over again.  They tell me [[red underline]] this is [[strikethrough]] the [[strikethrough]] an invention of Dupont ^[[Co]] [[/red underline]] and saves the department large sums of money by being able to [[red underline]] reuse [[/red underline]] defective or [[red underline]] old worthless powder. [[red underline]]
   Explanations given freely to everybody by attending engineers and officers and lively discussions on different details.
Afternoon returned by [[red underline]] Mayflower [[/red underline]] same [[strikethrough]] salute [[/strikethrough]] ceremony while passing Mount Vernon.  [[strikethrough]] Edison [[strikethrough]] Had [[red underline]] long talk with Edison [[red underline]] about manufacture of [[red underline]] phenol and prussic acid and monochlorbenzol. [[/red underline]] He tells me jokingly that [[red underline]] his deafness frequently

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[[Note in red in left margin:  Edison]]

comes in to good purpose when he wants to shake off visitors who bother him. [[/red underline]] He says he has another means which is more effective.  Says he got used to the [[red underline]] smell of bromine [[/red underline]] to the point where he can stand more than others.  So if some one comes to bother him with long interviews he gets them to a room where they emit some bromine, which soon drives visitors away.  Pretty soon every body gets acquainted and easy and free conversation between all.  Landed at [[red underline]] Navy yard [[/red underline]] after dark.  Had to use search lights.  When we motored out every guard and soldier salutes.  Just time to take hurried short supper.  We only have 45 minutes to appear again at [[red underline]] office of Daniels [[/red underline]] where