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[[vertical annotation in left margin]] [[red underline]] Webster and Hunt [[/red underline]] suggested [[red underline]] Robins [[/red underline]] as Secretary.
[[/vertical annotation]]
too ardent. He then induced [[red underline]] Edison [[/red underline]] to propose [[red underline]] Cooper Hewitt [[/red underline]] as vice-chairman evidently because he expected [[red underline]] Cooper Hewitt to act according his directions [[/red underline]]
But somebody proposed [[red underline]] Saunders [[/red underline]] as vice-chairman, but the latter hesitated, so somebody proposed two vice-chairmen [[red underline]] Cooper Hewitt and Saunders [[/red underline]] the latter to be the active chairman. Somebody proposed [[red underline]] Robins [[/red underline]] as secretary and he was accepted.  Then somebody proposed Hutchinson as [[red underline]] Edison's assistant [[/red underline]] which was accepted. [[red underline]] Edison [[/red underline]] proposed that all questions should be transmitted to all members instead of to different [[strikethrough]] commit [[/strikethrough]] sub-committees but the Sub-committees were established with the provision that all matters would be
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submitted to all members and answers sent to the sub-committees. A committee was selected to go out for twenty minutes and frame rules of procedure.  Then report was discussed and acted upon before lunch.  Then we all went for lunch [[red underline]] to Army and Navy Club, as guests of Secretary Daniels. [[/red underline]] Special room for us, the officers of Naval Advisory board all present as well as [[red underline]] Daniels. [[/red underline]] Other head of table sat [[red underline]] Franklin Roosevelt [[/red underline]] assistant secretary at his right [[red underline]] Saunders, [[/red underline]] vice chairman and I next to Saunders which gave me good opportunity to post Saunders on the peculiarities of some of our men.  My dinner was interrupted because [[red underline]] I was selected [[/red underline]] as member of a committee on which [[red underline]] Edison [[/red underline]]