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about twenty feet ahead. Kept to [[red underline]] Jersey Shore [[/red underline]] and before we knew it [[red underline]] we were in the Bakelite Dock. [[/red underline]] There got telegram from [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] that Secretary [[red underline]] Daniels [[/red underline]] wants to see me tomorrow 10 AM at [[red underline]] Vanderbilt Hotel, [[/red underline]] so have to change my plans.  Will leave boat here till Saturday and [[strikethrough]] go [[/strikethrough]] ^[[come]] back [[strikethrough]] home Saturday [[/strikethrough]] here Saturday. Discussed with Rossi and Hamlin the [[red underline]] intended manufacture of synthetic phenol [[/red underline]] as a business policy during present troubled times when raw material is unobtainable.  Ordered [[red underline]] Hamlin [[/red underline]] forthwith to start laboratory experiment to determine yield, will make at [[red underline]] Gothelf and Lawrence [[/red underline]] to do same independently.  Rossi promised to submit plan and estimate for engineering part.
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Left with 5 P.M train, met Dr. Peter at Mouquin, invited him to see a war play "Under Fire" then home.  It is very warm and sultry.

Oct 14. Went early to New York to meet the [[red underline]] Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels [[/red underline]] by appointment, [[strikethrough]] Admir [[/strikethrough]] at his rooms in [[red underline]] v d. Bilt Hotel. [[/red underline]] Met there [[red underline]] Admiral Griffin, Sprague, Whitney and Saunders also Hutchinson, [[/red underline]] the assistant of Edison.  Daniels discussed how proposed appropriation of [[red underline]] 5 millions [[/red underline]] for contemplated lab ought to be submitted.  We all agreed money not necessary immediately could be allotted by instalments [[red underline]] over several years. [[/red underline]] 
He read a letter of Secretary of Labor Redfield, who seems to fear that proposed research laboratory might duplicate or interfere with work of [[red underline]] Bureau of Standards, [[/red underline]] I spoke