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Broadstreet, up old stairs, little simple, private room and a colored "Mammy" being cook and servant. [[circle topped with cross in left margin]] [[left margin]]] 1 h. [[/left margin]] The "twelve" seemed cheerful prosperous business men.  Some odd rules:  for instance [[red underline]] Geary [[/red underline]] had to act as waiter on [[?]] his guest . .
Then I went to [[red underline]] Hooker [[/red underline]] and had short talk with him before meeting [[Saze?]] - It was a very sultry day and I perspired violently altho' I had no overcoat.  - Short talk with [[red underline]] [[Saze?]] [[/red underline]] at his office. He says: [[red underlined]] "Why don't you buy more stock in Hookers Company if you think so highly of it."  I told him I had better sources of investment.  That if I think highly of their technical situation I do not think their stock very profitable the way it is financed now.  Then met [[red underlined]] Marsh [[/red underlined]] and had quiet consultation with 
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him till we arrived at University Club, then I went for supper at Mouquin where I met Mr. [[red underline]] Hector Tyndale, [[/red underline]] who has aged much since I met him several years ago.  [[left margin]] [[image - a cross or large hashtag]] 3 h. [[/left margin]]
Oct 16. Albert has left last night to examine [[red underline]] carburettor of boat. [[/red underline]]  I went to Perth Amboy by train, and arrived there about noon.  Rossi says he had interview yesterday with Mr. [[red underline]] Deeds of Delco Co; [[/red underline]] they are troubled with [[red underline]] poor dielectrics [[/red underline]] of new molding mixture 650 and [[red underline]] Deeds [[/red underline]] is willing to pay $1[[superscript]] [[underlined]] 20 [[/underlined]] [[/superscript]] a lb. for half ton No. 450 if Rossi will buy phenol at $1[[superscript]] [[underlined]] 50 [[/underlined]] [[/superscript]] a lb.  This confirms my belief that we must [[red underline]] obtain or produce some phenol at any cost. [[/red underline]] We left Perth Amboy at 12[[superscript]] [[underlined]] 45 [[/underlined]] [[/superscript]] P.M. after I had swallowed some biscuits for lunch.  Took outside course at high tide.  No trouble except