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meeting of [[red underline]] Society Chemical Industry [[/red underline]] Another Symposium on Anilin Dye manufacture. Grosvenor presides. [[red underline]] Chandler, Nichols [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Bogert [[/red underline]] on platform. Dining room and social room filled to limit at dinner. Auditorium filled only standing room left. Met [[red underline]] Mali [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] E.H. Hooker there. [[/red underline]] Lively discussion. Mathews address best. Norton with his nasal delivery and bombastic speech made very poor impression as Government expert. His many years of residence in Germany made him look like a german. Meeting continued till near midnight.
October 23. This is the day of the [[red underline]] Women Suffrage Parade [[/red underline]] Bright but windy weather. I left with Celine shortly 

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after lunch. Miss Gelman and Dorothy Hitchcock with us. [[red underline]] Ninn [[/red underline]] has gone in advance. Drove in taxi to meeting place at Washington Square. All Fifth Avenue at 2 P.M. already lined with onlookers kept in unbroken orderly line. Paraders already grouped in side streets. I have fined myself $20.00 which I sent to Mr Laidlaw chairman of men suffrage League, so as to be able to see the parade instead of [[illegible]] and have written him a letter to that effect. This will help the cause to better advantage at [[red underline]] University Club [[/red underline]], some set of kickers and conservatives. I [[red underline]] was the only one appearing with a yellow chrysanthemum in my button [[/red underline]] hole. Parade was splendid