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Astor Hotel where I joined [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] for a lecture on Feudal [[red underline]] Japan [[/red underline]] by Dr. [[red underline]] Griffis [[/red underline]] - very well delivered. Then all home with 5:19 P.M and early to bed. Griffis was a teacher in Japan before the new regime.

Oct. 30 (Sunday) A beautiful mild day. After lunch went all alone aboard [[red underline]] "Cygnet" [[/red underline]] and remained there until dark, reading and taking notes of work to be done while laid up for winter. Early to bed.

Nov. 1. 1915. This afternoon went to [[red underline]] Brooklyn [[/red underline]] to confer with [[red underline]] Paulus [[/red underline]] and others about phases for expediting work. He is still delayed by non delivery. I intend to put [[red underline]] Sutherland [[/red underline]] as head of manufacturing work while Paulus and assistants work at construction and engineering
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[[symbol in top left margin showing a circle topped by a cross]]
end of new plant. [[red underline]] Peter and Waldenberger [[/red underline]] to help [[red underline]] Sutherland [[/red underline]] with their tests etc. The plan was submitted to all and accepted without reluctance or protests.
[[symbol in left margin showing a circle topped by a cross with annotation]] 6 h. [[/symbol and annotation]]
Evening supper at University Club. It looks decidedly as if [[red underline]] new Constitution and Woman suffrage will be beaten, but Celine
[[/red underline]] is not disappointed and says [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] the other women are prepared for it.

[[black underlined]] Nov 2. Election. [[/black underline]] Bright clear weather but very windy. Went to vote about 9 A.M. [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] was on duty on the polls [[strikethrough]] verifying sign [[/strikethrough]] since 6 A.M to be present when voting machine was unlocked by policeman. She was on duty all day, had a seat among the other inspectors and was treated with much consideration by everybody. Voting like usually very orderly. Afternoon I went to University Club. Took supper