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[[symbol in top left margin showing a circle topped by a cross]]
to let [[red underline]] Sutherland [[/red underline]] run the manufacturing end of Brooklyn plant assisted by [[red underline]] Peter [[/red underline]] and Waldenburger for chemical tests and [[red underline]] Paulus [[/red underline]] for my [[strikethrough]] engineering [[/strikethrough]] mechanical troubles, and to let Paulus equip his office and draughts room.
[[symbol in left margin showing a circle topped by a cross with annotation]] 2 hours. [[/symbol and annotation]]

Nov.9 [[strikethrough]] Nov. 9. [[/strikethrough]] Left here. Yacht Club at 10:35 with [[red underline]] Cygnet. [[/red underline]] Celine aboard till 42d street. Beautiful mild calm weather just like Spring weather. Down New York Bay it became windier and when outside the Narrows we had quite some spray so that oil skins were necessary. Arrived at [[red underline]] Perth Amboy [[/red underline]] at factory dock exact [[strikethrough]]bly [[/strikethrough]] ly at 4 P.M. Confered with [[red underline]] Rossi and Fuller [[/red underline]] till 5:30 P.M. [[red underline]] Factory is as busy as a bee-hive [[/red underline]]. Grinders,
[[end page]]

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[[symbols and annotation in top left margin]]
### 1 h. + 1 h. for report [[/symbols and annotation]]
Interview [[red underline]] [[McNitt?]] [[/red underline]] for Hooker. 1 h.
mixers, stills etc. all busy to full capacity. Went to Mouquin for supper, then to Strand Theatre where saw excellent photo-play "Mad. Butterfly."

Nov 10. Busy here all day dictating letters and answer to [[red underline]] Pollack's brief. [[/red underline]]. ^[[(Bakelite Gesellschaft)]] Evening supper at Chemists Club to meet committee for next years [[red underline]] chemical Exposition Herty chairman. [[/red underline]]

Nov 11. Went to [[red underline]] Hookers office[[/red underline]] at 11 AM to be present at Director's meeting but the only directors present were [[red underline]] E.H [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] W.H. Hooker and Gavin, the others having resigned. [[/red underline]] But Mr. [[red underline]] Burnham [[/red underline]] and Mr. [[red underline]] Sage [[/red underline]] were there. I [[red underline]] repeated my cautions in their presence of borrowing a large sum of money even at advantageous rates [[/red underline]] if you are not mathematically sure that you can pay it back [[red underline]] within three years [[/red underline]] and therefore [[red underline]]advocated issue of bonds [[/red underline]] payable over a longer period.