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George that this is my birth day and that I am [[red underline]] 52 years old. [[/red underline]] Spent a gloomy and boresome day.

Nov 15. Here till afternoon, then with [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] to the [[red underline]] Hookers [[/red underline]] for supper who had invited us to the opera. Samson and Delilah sung in French [[red underline]] with Caruso. [[red underline]]. Very much filled opera house. What a disaster if ever this old firetrap would catch fire! [[red underline]] [[strikethrough]] Nobody [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Most]] could ^[[not]] get out in time before being trampled to death or suffocated. Too few and too small passageways - Someway or another cannot get interested in the performance - all rather boresome. [[/red underline]] Back with 11:45 P.M train.

Nov 16 We have been now since several weeks without
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the use of our automobiles, both are being repaired. Home all day. Evening Celine and I went to movies in Yonkers.

Nov 17. To lunch at Chemists Club then to Brooklyn. [[red underline]] Paulus [[/red underline]] has rigged up his [[red underline]] new offices. Gas producer [[/red underline]] working. Yields in third cell still [[red underline]] too low 61%[[/red underline]]. Conference on [[red underline]]Lower acid site with Whittier [[/red underline]] and Paulus. We are inclined now to use [[red underline]] steam turbines [[/red underline]] instead of reciprocating engines. Charge 4 hours.
[[symbol in left margin showing a circle topped by a cross with annotation]] 4 hs. [[/symbol and annotation]]
Spent all evening at University Club 
home with 10:45.

Nov 18. [[red underline]] Disquieting [[/red underline]] letter from [[red underline]] Foersterling [[/red underline]] who tells us that at best our [[red underline]] cresol will only last till July 1916 [[/red underline]] and then provided we get from England all what we ordered which is doubtful in view of fact that [[red underline]] allies need some cresol for explosives [[/red underline]]. Wrote to [[red underline]] Takamine [[/red underline]] and to [[red underline]] de la Valette [[/red underline]] in France to