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[[symbol in top left margin]] # [[/symbol]]
[[red underline]] English; [[/red underline]] next in order comes the [[red underline]] hatred of the Frenchman for the German" [[/red underline]]  If this is the ascending scale then certainly the Belgians must hate fiercely.

Nov 23. Lunch at Cosmos Club where I was guest of Mr. [[red underline]] Putnam [[/red underline]], President of Society of Engineers of Washington.  other guests [[red underline]] Whitney, Saunders, Spencer Miller,[[/red underline]] of Naval Consulting Board.  Van H. [[red underline]] Manning, Parsons [[/red underline]] and others of Bureau of Mines. then short meeting of those of our board in regard to [[red underline]] future action. [[/red underline]]
[[symbol and annotation in left margin]] # 3 h. [[/symbol and annotation]]
Spent remainder of afternoon with [[red underline]] Townsend [[/red underline]] or in his laboratory examining latest results in chlorination etc. The evening went to Banquet
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[[vertical annotation in left margin written in red]] Banquet of Engineers [[/vertical annotation]] 
of [[red underline]] Washington Society of Engineers [[/red underline]]  Was on speaker's table [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] between [[red underline]] Saunders and D. Woodward.[[/red underline]]  Principal [[strikethrough]] Sp [[/strikethrough]] speaker was Secretary [[red underline]] Daniels [[/red underline]] who made an excellent speech, eulogizing the work of the engineer, and why he created his [[red underline]]
Advisory board [[/red underline]] and saying nice things about us. [[red underline]] Saunders [[/red underline]] spoke about [[red underline]] preparedness. [[/red underline]] I was called upon to speak and refuted [[strikethrough]] statement [[/strikethrough]] opinion just expressed by [[red underline]] Gano Dunn [[/red underline]] that an engineer should only be engineer and was not suited for the [[red underline]] work of a statesman. [[/red underline]] I made rather short speech but somehow it was very well received and I was interrupted several times by hearty applause specially when I referred to that job of engineers, the [[red underline]] Belgian Relief 
[[/red underline]] Commission which was exclusively