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managed by [[red underlined]] engineers [[/red underlined]] and was making a monument to the country. [[red underlined]] Daniels like usually was very [[/red underlined]] friendly to me and afterwards congratulated me on my speech. He says he [[red underlined]] will give us a battleship to hold our next meeting in New York and this ship will conduct us to Edison's Laboratory. [[/red underlined]]
On returning at Club met a certain Mr. [[red underlined]] Herbert Quick, [[/red underlined]] a writer who tells me he wrote the first newspaper article which was reproduced in others, advocating the [[red underlined]] creation of a board of inventors. [[/red underlined]] Kept on talking with him and [[red underline]] Dr. Washington [[/red underline]] till [[strikethrough]] la [[/strikethrough]] 2 A.M. Very interesting conversation.

Novemb 24. Up at 9 AM. Made
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acquaintance of [[red underlined]] Gifford Pinchot [[/red underlined]] the Knight-errant of Conservation. [[red underlined]] Splendid personality. [[/red underlined]] Fine intelligent-looking head. Makes an excellent impression. Says he is proud to be somewhat Belgian because [[red underlined]] one of his ancestors was Belgian. Quick [[/red underlined]] says he is half [[red underlined]] flemish [[/red underlined]] [[strikethrough]] and half dutch [[/strikethrough]] by his ancestors and his wife is half-dutch by her ancestors. At noon went for lunch at Parson's office in Bureau of Mines, where met several heads of departments, [[red underlined]] new [[strikethrough]] ur [[/strikethrough]] assistant Commissioner of Patents, Newton, [[/red underlined]], Commissioner Indian Affairs, Land office, etc. [[red underlined]] All seemed to [[/red underlined]] know me and told me they had [[red underlined]] heard my speech last night. [[/red underlined]] Evening went to theater:
[[strikethrough]] Nov 25. Left with [[/strikethrough]] While during afternoon I was sitting at window of Club I saw President [[red underlined]] Woodrow Wilson and his intended Mrs Galt [[/red underlined]] walk