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[[circle topped by cross in top left margin]]
met Gary and we talked over [[red underline]] Brooklyn situation [[/red underline]] while Porter ate his lunch and while walking back to their office.  [[strikethrough]] Then [[/strikethrough]]  
[[symbol in left margin showing a circle topped by a cross with annotation]] Charge 1 h. [[/symbol and annotation]]
Evening went to Lotos Club to [[strikethrough]] dinner [[/strikethrough]] a very formal dinner offered to [[red underline]] Baron Shibushawa by Takamine [[/red underline]] We were about [[red underline]] fifty guests [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] about [[strikethrough]] more americans than Japanese.  Met [[red underline]] Furuya [[/red underline]] there [[red underline]] Shibushawa [[/red underline]] is a wide awake looking chap altho' he is said to be quite advanced in the seventies.  Made a long speech in Japanese which was translated by another Japanese in English.  The latter is the Editor of the Japan Times of Tokio [[red underline]] Seth Low [[/red underline]] toastmaster, [[red underline]] Judge Gary [[red underline]] [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] President of Steel Trust spoke, also
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Governor Ford and John [[red underline]] D. Rockefeller Jr [[/red underline]] the latter makes impression of serious minded modest young man, very deliberate in his speech, chosing the right kind of words, not striving for effect, etc.  [[red underline]] Chandler [[/red underline]] there and several other important people, also [[red underline]] Jacob Schiff and Jim Seligman [[/red underline]].  Table with a reproduction of [[red underline]] Fushiyama [[/red underline]] in center and landscape of dwarf trees, and little fish ponds, gravel walks etc. filling large center of enormous table in [[strikethrough]] Exhibition strikethrough]] ^[[Painting Gallery]] room of Lotos Club where dinner was held.
Young Japanese on my right [[Hikata?]] (?) is son of well known surgeon in Japan and graduate of University of Pennsylvania.  Is now engaged in business with Mitsui

Transcription Notes:
The Lotos Club was a gentlemen's club founded in 1870 in New York City. Shibusawa Eiichi (1840?1931) was a Japanese industrialist widely known today as the "father of Japanese capitalism".