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Evening went to big Banquet of [[red underline]] Japan Society [[/red underline]] at Astor [[strikethrough]] Hostel [[/strikethrough]] Hotel.  Many ladies and guests present.  Big room filled  
I had to preside one of the side tables.  Afterwards dancing but I left about that time and went to University Club.  Arrived home with car about 2 P.M.

Dec 3.  Home all day.  Received very [[red underline]] favorable comments [[/red underline]] on my [[strikethrough]] paper [[/strikethrough]] intended paper about [[red underline]] Naval Board from Whitney, Robbins, Saunders and Wise Wood. [[/red underline]] Have sent also a copy to [[red underline]] Secretary Daniels [[/red underline]] Edison has not yet answered.  
Evening Celine and I went to see the movies.

Dec 4. [[strikethrough]] Usual [[/strikethrough]] Celine is in New York [[strikethrough]] After lu [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Nina on a visit to Vassar. [[/red underline]] I left after lunch [[strikethrough]] Evening went to [[/strikethrough]] with little car to University Club then
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Chemists Club where I met [[Voice [?]] and van Winckle.

Dec 5. 1915 (Sunday) [[red underline]] Clarence Marsh [[/red underline]] and his brother came for supper.  Marsh tells me he [[red underline]] has decided to leave Hooker Co [[/red underline]] in a friendly way and establish himself in private practice and came for advice.

Dec 6.  Went for lunch to Chemists Club there met Palen of [[Devinne?]] Co repeated my order of 300 to 500 lbs. [[red underline]] synthetic phenol. [[/red underline]]  he says can furnish about [[red underline]] 96 cents a pound [[/red underline]].  Went to Paige Car Co to examine their Sedan also to Hudson Car Co latter have one Sedan for immediate delivery.  What bothers me is where to place it?  Went to borrow $4000 at Bank at 4½% [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] until Feb 10. 1916 and gave them as security [[red underline]] 8 Bonds Seaboard Airline Adjustment [[/red underline]] 5%.  Then drove to Brooklyn after a while Porter came there

Transcription Notes:
Henry Alexander Wise Wood was an aeronautical engineer on the Naval Consulting Board.