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for men who have stopped working. I shall see him to morning to decide whether I accept or not 
On evening Celine, Nina and Dorothy Hitchcock and I went to see the "Movies"

Dec. 8. Went early for settling that matter of "speeding." [[red underline]] Feel disgusted at the arbitrary tactics of fining for a mere technical offense, but it will cost me much more [[/red underline]] and more time lost and bad blood if I start argueing the case, and decided to pay the fine of $25 and be done with it.
At Chemists Club [[red underline]] Grosvenor [[/red underline]] and McIlhiney tell me I have been [[red underline]] elected unanimously [[/red underline]] by the different chemical organisations for the [[red underline]] Perkin Medal [[/red underline]] notwithstanding fact that [[red underline]] Thomas Parker [[/red underline]] the arch-politician in order to avoid that I should
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get the medal, argued that [[red underline]] Nicholls [[/red underline]] of General Chemical Co [[strikethrough]] taught [[/strikethrough]] thought it better [[red underline]] not to give a medal this year. [[/red underline]] Whether the latter made his suggestion because he hates [[red underline]] Grosvenor and does not cherish the idea of seeing him preside as chairman of N.Y Section of Society of Chemical [[/red underline]] Industry 
I do not know.
Drove to [[red underline]] Brooklyn [[/red underline]] on slippery streets. [[red underline]] Their gas [[/red underline]] as furnished by gas generator contains [[red underline]] too much CO2 [[/red underline]] and they have not yet succeeded in eliminating it entirely.  Told them to use NaOH abundantly regardless of cost and not run the formate drum before their gas is free from CO2, then make a run of formate and if successful immediately make a run for oxalate so as to test imperfection of oxalate unit and in the mean time