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[[red underline]] completely all traffic on 54 street [[/red underline]] for quite some time
Row of tooting motor cars impatiently waiting.  Finally got my car going but it was near 2 P.M when I reached home.

December 12 1915 (Sunday) Sunny clear bright day. [[red underline]] Taught Nina to drive new car [[/red underline]] and after a few minutes she got the habit of it.  Mr. Robert [[red underline]] Bruère [[/red underline]] and his wife for lunch.  Talked all afternoon about various subjects.  He came here [[red underline]] once more to decide me to write an article for [[/red underline]] Harper's Monthly on the subject of [[red underline]] Chemical Industry. [[/red underline]] 

December 13. This morning it began to snow when Albert was taking big Stearns car to Toch's factory to be painted. Then snow developed into
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a blizzard. [[red underline]] All traffic suspended. [[/red underline]] Miss Evans and James had to stay here to sleep.  It took Albert [[red underline]] 5 hours from Cortland to his house. [[/red underline]]
Feels good indoors but I fear many people must have suffered much today.

December 14. [[red underline]] Much snowed in. Nina went to school on snowshoes. [[red underline]] Snow about 14" high in some place 3 feet.  Albert, Alexander and James busy all day to make a clearing along [[strikethrough]] Park [[/strikethrough]] Rock Lane.  towards evening tried successfully to reach main road with small automobile.  No milk, no butcher etc. but got [[strikethrough]] lette [[/strikethrough]] mail and newspapers.
[[symbol and annotation in left margin]] # 1 h. [[/symbol and annotation]]
This morning spent one hour with Hooker matters.  

Dec. 15. [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] left for [[red underline]] Washington [[/red underline]] to attend [[red underline]] congress of suffragists [[/red underline]]
After getting thru with my mail