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towards evening concluded to [[strikethrough]] to an [[/strikethrough]] stay at Chemists Club for a few days. Met Dr. [[red underlined]] Harvery Wiley [[/red underlined]] there. Afterwards went to see a french play at Theatre Laneais. "Mon ami Teddy" well played. I was the only man in the little theatre who was not in evening dress. Later on went to University Club where I [[strikethroug]] met Hill [[/strikethrough]] met Warren Dr. [[red underlined]] Hoight, [[/red underlined]] Kelley and [[red underlined]] Jonny Hill [[/red underlined]], son of James Hill the railroad man and kept on discussing and talking petroleum products till. 1 P.M.
Dec. 16 7 am at the Harvard Suite of the Chemists Club. They are blasting below our eleven story building for the new subway or the new acqueduct - I do dont know which - But once in awhile [[end page]]

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[[symbol of cross on top of circle]]
57 we get a big explosion which makes the building tremble and shake. Feels like life in the trenches, specially in the morning when the early blasts shake you in your bed. Went to Brooklyn early.  [[red underlined]] Paulus [[/red underlined]] says [[red underlined]] Hooter counter is [[/red underlined]] n g contains [[red underlined]] 11% of N?2 CO3. [[/red underlined]] An operation is going on. Went to office of Royal Baking Powder Co met [[left margin]] [[symbol of cross on top of cirle]] 4 hr [[/left margin]] [[red underlined]] Geary [[/red underlined]] and [[red underlined]] Porter [[/red underlined]]. and explained [[?ction]]. Geary invited me to his little lunch club. Afternoon went to see [[strikethrough]] photos [[/strikethrough]] movies of [[strikethrough]] Fit [[/strikethrough]] [[red underlined]] "Fightin in France" [[/red underlined]] all war pictures. Specially interested in seeing [[red underlined]] King Albert passing review of troops of Allies. [[/red underlined]] Evening went with Richard Anthong to see Princess Pat" a rather insipid musical comedy.
Dec 17. Rainy nasty day. Lunch at University Club, where I