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[[left margin]] 60 [[/left margin]]
who came to introduce a certain [[red underline]] Mr. Jones, [[/red underline]] (an englishman) and Count [[red underline]] van der Stegen of Belgium [[/red underline]] both trying to start a movement for [[red underline]] sending tobacco [[/red underline]] and cigars to the front for the Allies. [[red underline]] Hampton [[/red underline]] is certainly the [[red underline]] bigger man [[/red underline]] - want to make more of his acquaintance.  The less impressive is that Count a refugee, who looks rather the insignificant part of the [[conservative?]] petty belgian nobility.  Greatly enjoyed to have [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] here at supper with us.  Malcolm Waite was here too.  He and Malcolm [[left margin]] Waite [[/left margin]] and [[red underline]] Ninn [[/red underline]] read jokes aloud from "Cornell Widow" and Life.

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[[symbol-cross atop circle]] 61
[[left margin]] # Dec. 20. [[/left margin]]
Remained home all day  No trouble now to drive to Yonkers along trolley-tracks of Park Ave.  Spent all day clearing up belated correspondence, telephoning, etc.
[[left margin]] # 1 h. [[/left margin]]
Charge one hour Hooker and one hour Royal. [[red underline]] Gotthelf back from his surgical operation. [[/red underline]]
[[left margin]] symbol-cross atop circle 1 h. [[/left margin]]
Dec. 21.  Busy morning, dictation etc. afternoon wrote [[red underline]] short account of my work for Chandler's [[/red underline]] address at Perkin Medal Evening.  [[red underline]] Rather [[/red underline]] irksome task. - [[red underline]] I wish Perkin Medal had not existed. [[/red underline]] - told to [[illegible]] over plane that we probably shall pay a [[ red underline]] 10% dividend. [[/red underline]]
Dec. 22.  Away early this morning with Sedan Car to Chemist's Club then to Engineer's building where [[red underline]] Naval Board holds [[/red underline]] sub committee meetings.  First there was meeting of Sub-com. on [[red underline]] Ordnance and Explosives. [[/red underline]]  Maxim presiding most time devoted on erosion

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