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offering to [[strikethrough]] dirde [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] divide the whole country in manufacturing districts and to obtain necessary data and organization for mobilizing all these factories in case [[/red underline]] of war, by some advance work consisting in getting complete data of class and number of machinery and equipment so as to determine for what it is best adapted.
All this [[red underline]] received enthusiastic endorsement [[/red underline]] same evening when it was proposed at the General meeting of the board when Admirals Griffin, Straus and Taylor were present.  At the Sub-Com. on Aeronautics met Capt. [[red underline]] Bristol [[/red underline]] chief of Aeronautic division of navy and [[red underline]] Capt. ^[[Strother]] Smith [[/red underline]] who has been charged with exa-
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mining and classifying all new inventions presented to Navy.
At seven we were invited at annual meeting of Mining Engineers at Engineers Club then immediately afterwards had our [[red underline]] general meeting. [[/red underline]]
Subjects presented evoked [[strikethrough]] direct [[/strikethrough]] most interest, short reports of sub-com. were presented. There is a [[red underline]] growing feeling of confidence [[/red underline]] as to practical results of our work. ^[[Adm]] [[red underline]] Strauss [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] in spe [[/strikethrough]] spoke about [[red underline]] erosion of gun bores [[/red underline]] as being most important subject gave to our committee some confidential pointed information on work which had already been done.  He says erosion is about 1/1000 inch after every shot, and after about 170 shot guns are out of service. [[red underline]] Wise Wood has sent in his resignation in a rather sensational matter by sending it [[/red underline]]