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almost any atrocity. Afterwards visited some of the fast torpedo boat destroyers with [[red underlined]] Edison [[/red underlined]] and some of the officers. Then informal lunch at the house of the Commandant of the Navy Yard Admiral [[red underlined]] M. Usher, [[/red underlined]] then again genial meeting where reports of general committees were presented and [[red underlined]] resignation of Wire Woo was discussed and excepted. Edison [[/red underlined]] presented his drawings for laboratory and made a short address,--the longest speech he ever made--[[red underlined]] so he said, [[/red underlined]] explaining his ideas about the organisation and operation of this laboratory. Admiral [[red underlined]] Taylor supported him by a [[/red underlined]] short and very [[red underlined]] convincing [[/red underlined]] speech. This is significant because
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[[vertical note in left margin]] [[red underlined]] [?in] [/red underlined]] invited me to supper with Webster, Whitney, Cary Hutchinson.--very interesting conversation on many subjects [[/vertical note]]
up till [[red underlined]] now Taylor seemed [[/red underlined]] rather skeptical as to the usefulness of the contemplated laboratory. Adjourned towards 4 P.M I went to University Club to sleep. [[strikethrough]] The papers gone [[/strikethrough]]
December 24. After good rest went to Brooklyn laboratory. Disappointed to find Waldenberger absent. Paulus has a new [[red underlined]] draughtman, a german who clicks [[/red underlined]] his heels together when saluting. Work is interrupted again on account of non delivery of nozzles for gas washers, and diaphragm of third cell started leaking. [[strikethrough]] Remained there till [[/strikethrough]] [[red underlined]] Peter [[/red underlined]] says he is willing to sell his [[red underlined]] resorcinol [[/red underlined]] patent to Bakelite Co at essentially cost price. Afternoon went to University Club whence Albert took me home with closed car. On the way stopped at Hotel [[red underlined]] Marseilles [[/red underlined]] to call at Frye, but they had

Transcription Notes:
Note: according to instructions ^ is only necessary for handwritten insertions into typed material