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to see l'Ami Fritz.

Dec. 30. Bright day. Spent most of time [[red underline]] preparing arguments for Congress in relation to laboratory proposed by Naval Board. [[/red underline]] Evening went [[red underline]] to Lotos Club to dinner of Ishikawa to officers of Hooker [[/red underline]] Co. The 3 Hookers there also Frye and [[red underline]] Nakumura, the 3 Takamines, Tison, Kerr, Bartlett, Farleigh, Furuya, Tanaka and Taguchi, [[/red underline]] and some of [[red underline]] Takamine's [[/red underline]] assistants. Pretty table with Japanese landscape in center.  Celine George and Nina went to theatre and we all motored home in our closed car. Wintery landscape, in the country is very pretty.

Dec 31. After lunch went to [[red underline]] Navy Yard in Brooklyn with George. [[/red underline]] Most of the big battleships are in
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[[symbol in top left margin showing a circle topped by a cross]]
Captain [[red underline]] Burd, [[/red underline]] head engineer took us around. Capt. [[red underline]] Rodman [[/red underline]] of Battleship New York gave us one of his aides to show us around
Enormous vessel and everything looks spik and span but very grim.- a big well organized floating fighting machine and yet how vulnerable towards a submarine or a mine ! Then went with [[red underline]] George in a submarine [[/red underline]] 
[[symbol in left margin showing a circle topped by a cross with annotation]] Stopped at Brooklyn laboratory  Charge 1 hour. [[/symbol and annotation]]
They drove me to Vanderbilt hotel where [[red underline]] Dr. Weston [[/red underline]] was waiting for me for dinner.  He wants letter of introduction for Townsend.
At 9 P.M left him and went to University Club where I left shortly after midnight. 

[[black underline]] 1916 [[/black underline]]
Jan 1  Home all day. It thaws 
On evening Celine, Nina and Dorothy and myself all drove to see a photoplay at the Strand Theatre in New York. [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] remained home and seems to be