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were functionally spend on a railroad car which most of the time runs his home traveling from one part of the country to the other. How he had to be president and vice president of so many railroad companies to repres out his fatter and how he grew heartely tired of the job.
[[underlined]] Jan 16 [[/underlined]] (Sunday) Home all day time mostly spent revising my address.
Jan 17. At noon to Clements Club met [[underlined]] Elwood Hendrick [[/underlined]] who tells me Belgian Minister in China (Baronde Cartier some count or baron whose name I forgot) is very desirious [[underlined]] of making my acquaintance [[/underlined]] and to extend his help for making my visit to China interesting and successful
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two hours spent at Chandler's discussing our addresses this morning.
Then to Brooklyn lab. Had long talk with Paulers on [[strikethrough]] job [[/strikethrough]] subject of engagement of [[underlined]] Handershain. [[/underlined]] Neither Paulers nor Peter seem very enthusiastic on the subject. As to [[underlined]] Sutherland [[/underlined]] 
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I told him I did not want to tell him what to do but if [[underlined]] he decided to leave and give up a job with excellent prospects for a mere gamble I put the responsibility in him. [[/underlined]]
Then to University Club where I met McMahon with whom I went to Monquin for supper.
Jan 18. Worked most of the day on my Perkin [[?]]. Evening Celine, [[?]] and Dorothy and myself went to the "Movies."
Jan 19. Being all day rereading and correcting address. Evening at 6 [[underlined]] 30 [[/underlined]] P.M was [[underlined]] guests [[/underlined]] of [[underlined]] Mining Engineers at Machinery Club, where they [[/underlined]] had dinner. [[underlined]] Saunders [[?]] [[/underlined]] I [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] spoke off hand [[underlined]] on Naval [[?]] and its laboratory