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the walls and galeries being draped by american flags, and flowers distributed on speakers table Room was well filled but no crowding. The [[underlined]] ladies occupied the gallery. [[/underlined]] The [[strikethrough]] plat [[/strikethrough]] speakers platforms were besides [[underlined]] Grosvenor [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Chandler [[/underlined]] and Me Flhney[[guess]] secr'y., [[underlined]] G[[?]] Hooker [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Wagner. [[/underlined]] Grosvenor introduced [[underlined]] Chandler [[/underlined]] who read his speech in a clear voice then after I had spoken a few words of thanks [[underlined]] Anthony [[/underlined]] was introduced who related our first meeting and business connections and how we ever had remained the best of friends and who entertained them
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with some occasions where he had asked me for chemical advice or other occasions when [[underlined]] E. H. Hooker [[/underlined]] in a [[underlined]] little literary gem, [[/underlined]] gave a half [[?]], half serious account of our early struggles with the [[underlined]] bo[[?]]und Cell. [[/underlined]] Then I presented my address of acceptance ([[underlined]] all this is published [[/underlined]] in Metallurgical and Chemical Engineering and the Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry) But in order to get even with Celine after her surprise of arranging ^ [[insert]] for [[/insert]] the flowers and decorations of the room [[?]] in [[underlined]] referring to my early [[/underlined]] educations [[underlined]] at the University of Ghent [[/underlined]] I inserted the statement that I felt particularly grateful for that old laboratory because it was there that I made