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[[symbol in top left margin showing a circle topped by a cross]]
at University and corrected a [[red underline]] contract for him.- [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] some consulting matters with Wallerstein in relation to recovery of yeast and slops.
Supper with [[red underline]] Pupin, Peet, Hutchinson and Taylor [[/red underline]] then home 8:45 Snow.

Feb 3. Here all morning busy dictating and telephoning. Charge 1 h. R. B. Co for long telephone conversations
[[symbol in left margin showing a circle topped by a cross with annotation]] 1 h. [[/symbol and annotation]] 
Evening went with [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] as guests of Dr. Tolman to the Banquet of Safety Museum. At table with Mr. [[red underline]] Saunders [[/red underline]] of Naval Consulting Board. Boresome function presided by [[red underline]] Arthur Williams [[/red underline]] of Electric Light Co and [[red underline]] Courtelyon [[/red underline]] of Gas Company [[strikethrough]] and th[[/strikethrough]] the whole thing looks like a huge organized effort to place the [[red underline]] Anthony N. Brady [[/red underline]] enterprises in a
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saintly light and to show to the public the solicitude for public welfare of the great public franchise corporations who are in the mean time robbing the people of New York and the State
Left before everything was over and it was then near midnight.

Feb 4. Here all day. Evening drove to [[red underline]] Dr. de Vecchi's [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] house [[/strikethrough]] apartment and took him to University Club to listen to lecture of [[red underline]] Frederick Palmer, [[/red underline]] the war correspondent. Palmer seems to have quite some vanity and pose and does not hesitate to [[strikethrough]] su [[/strikethrough]] talk in a cock sure way.  He spoke with contempt of the Belgian Army, but from what he said I should judge that he never saw the regular Belgian Army at work and