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[[red underline]] like a made-to-order 
^[[partisan]] political effort. [[/red underline]] Notwithstanding this there was little enthusiasm. [[red underline]] Wilson [[/red underline]] and more particularly [[red underline]] Daniels [[/red underline]] got their rounds of abuse.
I perceive more and more that [[red underline]] so-called preparedness with many people is only a pretext for preparedness for next election. [[/red underline]]

Feb 23. A dreary foggy day, thaw and slush.
Miss Evans is ill. Evening went to University Club and stopped to [[strikethrough]] see Sarto [[/strikethrough]] take Sarton home in the evening.

Feb 24. [[red underline]] Sarton's lecture [[/red underline]] at College of City of New York on History of Science. Lecture room well filled with students also some guests. [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] there too. Afterwards took in my car as guests for luncheon at Chemists
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Club. most of them. [[strikethrough]] Present [[/strikethrough]] President [[red underline]] Mezes [[/red underline]] of College of City of N.Y., Prof. [[red underline]] Duggan [[/red underline]] of ditto. [[red underline]] Baskerville, Alexander Smith, Whitaker, Jacques Loeb, Elwood Hendrick, Takamine and myself. 
[[/red underline]] Pleasant simple lunch. Afterwards took [[red underline]] Sarton and Hendrick [[/red underline]] to Longue Vue for tea then for supper at Snug Rock

Feb 25. Home all day. Miss Evans still ill
^[[Miller Reece]] [[red underline]] Hutchison [[/red underline]] writes me long letter telling all about submarine explosion of hydrogen and invites me to visit [[red underline]] Edison [[/red underline]] laboratory to show more about their storage batteries
It has thawed and is very slippery. Celine, Nina and myself went to see the "Movies" in Yonkers.

Feb 26. This morning early [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] surprised us by a sudden visit. We all drove to N.Y., [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] being the driver. At Riverside Boulevard [[red underline]] he got summoned [[/red underline]] for