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[[red underline]] driving 27 miles an hour [[/red underline]] which chilled somewhat his ardor.  Evening I had arranged a dinner at University Club in honor of Capt. [[red underline]] Mitchell MacDonald of Yokohama [[/red underline]] and Philadelphia, retired paymaster of the U.S. Navy. He brought Dr. [[red underline]] Judson Daland [[/red underline]] of medical college of Philadelphia along.  I had invited Elwood, [[red underline]] Hendrick, Pupin, Benjamin Lawrence, Robert Bridges and Takamine.  Exquisite [[/red underline]] evening, not a dull moment, literature, story telling, history, politics, wit all continuously combined. [[red underline]] Hendrick [[/red underline]] read us an article on [[red underline]] Leofcadio Hearn [[/red underline]] he was about to publish, [[red underline]] MacDonald [[/red underline]] told us some of his inimitable stories and then short history of modern Japan [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] in relation to
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its foreign policy. etc. etc.  Everybody seemed delighted.  I stayed at University Club over night.
Feb 27 (Sunday) Albert came to fetch me with car.  Stayed home all day.  [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] here.
Feb. 28. [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] had to appear in court.  Pleaded guilty and got fined $25.00.  Afternoon [[red underline]] Celine had a suffrage meeting party here. [[/red underline]]  Cold and windy day.  We took George to N.Y in car and I had to meet young [[red underline]] Ishikawa [[/red underline]] who leaves next month early for Japan
Feb 29.  Early away for meeting of Subcommittee on chemistry and Physics at Engineering Societies building.  Subject synthetic production of [[red underline]] HNO3.[[/red underline]]  Dr. [[red underline]] Reis [[/red underline]] of Dupont Co and [[red underline]] Landis [[/red underline]] of Cyanamide present, also Hudson Maxim, Whitney, Hutchinson, Robinson,