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[[circle with cross above in top left hand corner]]
[[red underline]] drum is going well [[/red underline]]. Good results expected because excellent absorption of CO  A small blowhole in steam jacket, recently discovered, seems to have [[red underline]] been cause of former insuccesses. [[/red underline]] Peter and [[red underline]] Waldenberger [[/red underline]] had left but I went with [[red underline]] Paulus [[/red underline]] over his later drawings, [[red underline]] corrected [[/red underline]] design for his new scheme for oxalate convecting oven [[circle with cross above 4hs in left margin]] remained till near dark  Charge 4 hs.  Then for supper to University Club with Mestre ^[[Le Maistre]] and that oculist whose name I have forgotten.  Still much snow.
March 12 1916 (Sunday).  This morning got pleasant news from [[red underline]] Sutherland [[/red underline]] over phone that his [[red underline]] last formate [[/red underline]] run is just finished and gave [[red underline]] 85% formate. [[/red underline]]
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This afternoon made sketch for my [[red underline]] lecture for Washington Academy of Sciences. [[/red underline]]
March 13.  Here all day dictating.
March 14.  Left with noon train for [[red underline]] Washington [[/red underline]] for hearing on Bill for [[red underline]] Navy Research Laboratory [[/red underline]].  Studied my arguments on train.  Evening went to hear musical Operette.  It is very cold and wintry.
March 15. Went to office of Secretary Daniels where I found [[red underline]] Edison, [[/red underline]] Hutchinson, Coffin, Hunt and Saunders.  We all drove to Committee on Naval Affairs.  I met there Padgett (the chairman) and Galloway from Missouri who used to be on Com. on Patents.  Quite a number of reporters around on account of [[red underline]] Edison [[/red underline]] [[red underline]] Daniels [[/red underline]] introduced him then [[red underline]] Edison [[/red underline]] in his [[red underline]] falsetto [[/red underline]] voice started explaining the