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where he was engaged in [[red underline]] newspaper work [[/red underline]] and seems to be one of those men who delight spreading ill will and [[red underline]] hatred towards Japan. [[/red underline]] 

March 17. Spent most of morning discussing trade marks and patent law with [[strikethrough]] Dr. Alb [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Alsberg, [[/red underline]] chief of Bureau of Chemistry. After lunch a certain Wallace (or Lawrence) Bryant, a nervous rather undersized artist invited ^[[me]] to see his exhibition of paintings among which were two excellent portraits -- Then a long walk and back to the Club.

March 18. [[strikethrough]] Left Club Was [[/strikethrough]] Spent morning with Townsend discussing [[red underline]] Hooker Matters [[/red underline]] and visit to his laboratory. 
[[symbol and annotation in left margin]]
# [[strikethrough]] $ [[/strikethrough]] 1 h. [[/symbol and annotation]]
Left with 3:00 P.M train, arrived in time for annual meeting of University Club. At
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[[symbol in top left margin showing a circle topped by a cross]]
[[second symbol in top left margin]] # [[/symbol]]
supper with [[red underline]] Koster and Doremus [[/red underline]] Coming home I find everything covered with snow and very cold.

March 19 (Sunday) Snowy landscape and very cold and dry. Everything electrises easily. Spent most of day reading

March 20. Dictated belated letters and telephoning. Charge 1 h. Royal Baking Co and 
1 h. Hooker 
[[symbol in left margin shows circle topped by a cross with annotation]] 1 h. [[/symbol and annotation]]
[[second symbol and annotation in left margin]] # [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] h. [[/second symbol and annotation]]
[[red underline]] Sutherland [[/red underline]] reports that formate has [[red underline]] been converted 90% into oxalate [[/red underline]] in first run.- this means 90% of 84%.- Paulus away with Whittier to inspect possible location.

March 21. 1916 Today is supposed to be the first day of Spring! but the landscape looks wintry to the utmost and a new snowfall coats all trees.
Yesterday a [[red underline]] rumor of peace unfounded it seems sent [[/red underline]]