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[[red underline]] the stock market tumbling [[/red underline]] How strange and absurd all this.- [[red underline]] The world has now become used to a condition of war as a regular thing, [[/red underline]] and peace seems abnormal! What fools we humans are.
Today a letter from [[red underline]] Kirk Brown [[/red underline]] who wants to reopen that matter of contesting validity of two of our varnish patents. [[red underline]] Sly foxy individual who is always out to find how he can play a trick. [[/red underline]] Spent all day dictating and revising abstract of my [[red underline]] lecture for Washington [[/red underline]] 

March 22. More snow today! Spent most of day drafting reports of [[red underline]] Patent Committee of American Chemical Society [[/red underline]] and Am. Electrochemical Soc
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and report on Committee recomending what to do with inventions originating [[red underline]] with employes of U.S. Government. [[/red underline]] 
Got letter from Celine's brother in law dictated to [[red underline]] U.S. Consul Johnson [[/red underline]] in Ghent stating they are [[red underline]] all well physically but very [[/red underline]] downcast on slowness of deliverance from their German oppressors.

March 23. Still snow everywhere and cold night. Left for [[red underline]] Washington [[/red underline]] with Noon train [[strikethrough]] Took some [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Prepared my informal lecture on train. [[/red underline]] Evening delivered lecture in [[red underline]] New National Museum before Washington Academy of Sciences. Dr. Howard [[/red underline]] introducing me. Mixed audience, some women too. ^[[Dr. Allerton]] [[red underline]] Cushman [[/red underline]] drove us with his automobile. My subject