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was [[red underline]] Chemistry and War. [[/red underline]] just delivered it offhand. Took about 1¾ hours.
After lecture many congratulations. [[red underline]] Two senators who were present asked me to [[strikethrough]] give [[/strikethrough]] repeat part of this lecture tomorrow before Senate committee on Agriculture [[/red underline]] Remained at Cosmos Club talking till 1 P.M. went to bed but was still too much busy with my subject to fall asleep.

March 24. Altho' very little sleep, feel sufficiently refreshed.  Went [[red underline]] to Senate [[/red underline]] at about 11 AM assembled there about 15 [[red underline]] Senators, spoke about fixation of nitrogen [[/red underline]] in relation to war and agriculture.  Very kind spirit shown to me. Was only speaker and kept at it [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] till about
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1 P.M. [[red underline]] See published report of hearing. [[/red underline]] Then went to Senate debates. Rather dramatic protests of [[red underline]] Senator Stone [[/red underline]] who protested against attempts to exploit present situation in [[red underline]] Mexico, [[/red underline]] for political reasons against administration, accusing those who sought to embroil us by causing further irritation to [[red underline]] Mexico, [[/red underline]] and being tools of sinister influences here, in [[red underline]] Mexico [[/red underline]] and in other countries; referring undoubtedly to tricks of Germany in conjunction with american business interests in Chihuaha. [[strikethrough]] Then I went to [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] I was impressed with rather business like way in which all these matters were being handled. Then went to House of Representatives which seemed even busier. New Immigrant Bill was [[/red underline]] just being introduced and