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Chemical Society and more particularly Washington Section [[red underline]] had steadily ignored him [[/red underline]] and slighted him and that this hostility had all originated with [[red underline]] Frank Cameron [[/red underline]] while he was in the service of the Bureau of Soils.

April 28. left Washington at 11 AM  This evening made address at Princeton Club [[strikethrough]] before [[/strikethrough]] at annual dinner of School Masters association 
Spoke for about 1½ hours on [[red underline]] "Chemistry and war and preparedness" [[/red underline]] A very appreciative audience

April 29. [[red underline]] Evening Post gave one column to my lecture of yesterday. [[/red underline]] 

April 30. (Sunday) A very beautiful mild spring
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day. Rewrote first half of an article intended for [[red underline]] Harpers [[/red underline]] Monthly on [[strikethrough]] chemistry [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] "What is the matter with our american Chemists?" [[/red underline]] 
Afternoon went to Chemists Club to meet [[red underline]] A. A. Noyes, [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] of Boston and ^[[George Ellery]] [[red underline]] Hale [[/red underline]] of California 
^[[(Astronomer)]], both of [[red underline]] National Academy of [[/red underline]] Sciences, who with Bogert wanted to find [[red underline]] out how they could cooperate with Naval Board in our [[/red underline]] work.
Afterwards went to University Club and took 11:45 P.M train. Long article in the [[red underline]] Sun about my lecture - [[strikethrough]] abo [[/strikethrough]] two [[/red underline]] columns. Also very interesting article in [[red underline]] "World's Work" [[/red underline]] about