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[[symbol in top left margin]] # [[/symbol]]
Spent one hour revising report on Soy Bean.
[[symbol and annotation in left margin]] # 1 h. [[/symbol and annotation]]

May 10: A busy day, revising [[red underline]] two new patent specifications [[/red underline]] and [[strikethrough]] sundr [[/strikethrough]] various other work 
Afternoon was nice weather so took car and drove out along Nepera Park then [[red underline]] Valentine Lane old house where in 1899 spent some six months of happiest days of my life. [[/red underline]] When George and [[red underline]] Nina were just little tots. [[/red underline]] The old privet hedge I planted has become quite big. New generation new children, everything looks same [[red underline]] reposeful appearance but 17 years are gone. [[/red underline]] At that time I imagined [[red underline]] that this little house was about maximum of comfort and luxury. [[/red underline]] We were young and began to feel confident that [[red underline]] Velox enterprise [[/red underline]] 
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was going to be a success. There also [[red underline]] purchased my first motor car. [[/red underline]] Same garage.

May 11. Left early for Pa Station arrived [[red underline]] Princeton about [[/red underline]] 
11 AM  Gordon and Mr. Hasslacher's son at Station offering to escort me. Preferred to be by myself so went to Princeton Inn, then long walk through college grounds and charming surroundings. Everything very quaint and in excellent taste. [[red underline]] Reposeful atmosphere. None of the war and hustle and bustle of commercial communities. [[/red underline]]
Although everything seems as orderly and prim as in a ladies school I perceive however an [[red underline]] air of distinction [[/red underline]] which is often sadly lacking in more commercial surroundings.  The whole place an [[red underline]] esthetic success [[/red underline]]
Easy going quiet and