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them to lay hands [[red underline]] on an excellent fuse which is just what they [[/red underline]] want and they have ordered many of them.
Afternoon [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] had arranged a reception and send-off in honor of [[red underline]] Dorothy Hitchcock [[/red underline]] who is to marry before long.
Clarence Marsh came here and left after supper.

May 15. Spent most of [[strikethrough]] day [[/strikethrough]] ^[[strikethrough]] [[morning]] [[/strikethrough]] of day on article for Harper's, "What is the matter with our Chemists"?
[[strikethrough of remainder of page]] then went to bank to get 5 Bonds [[strikethrough]] So [[/strikethrough]] Seaboard Air-Line adj. 5's and certificate of 100 shares. Virginia Carolina Chemical which I delivered to Erwin & Co who have sold it for me.
[[/strikethrough of remainder of page]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
Evening to [[red underline]] Chemists Club [[/red underline]] with my car for informal supper of [[red underline]] committee [[/red underline]] to report on papers relative to [[red underline]] cooperation of Universities and Industries. [[/red underline]] To my astonishment that jelly fish [[red underline]] Wiedmann [[/red underline]] was in this committee, also [[Love?]] who had already drunk too much. Best man was Prof. [[red underline]] Huelett [[/red underline]] of Princeton. [[strikethrough]] Went [[/strikethrough]] Drove home with [[red underline]] Baskerville and Toch [[/red underline]] in my car.
Next [[work?]] was accepted by Rockefeller Institute men [[red underline]] Jacques Loeb, [[/red underline]] Levine etc.

May 16. At lunch went as guest of [[red underline]] young Page, son of Embassador Page, [[/red underline]] for lunch at Harvard Club.
[[red underline]] Houston [[/red underline]] chief of advertisement department and one of their young editors with them. Asked me to