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write article for them [[strikethrough]] which [[/strikethrough]] on [[red underline]] industrial preparedness - chemical side.- [[/red underline]] 
Explained my general ideas on the subject.- Went to Bank to get 5 Bonds of Seaboard Air Line Adj 5's and 100 sh. certificate of Virginia Carolina Agricultural Co and went to office of Erwin & co to deliver it myself for which one of their clerks gave me receipt
[[strikethrough]] Af [[/strikethrough]] It rained badly, and I went to new photo-play theatre "Rialto" until time for supper then went to University Club and [[red underline]] Pupin [[/red underline]] took me along in his motor car to [[red underline]] annual meeting of Institute Electrical Engineers [[/red underline]] 
Special evening [[strikethrough]] f [[/strikethrough]] where
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[symbol in top left margin showing a circle topped by a cross]]
telephone celebrities, [[red underline]] Alex. Graham Bell, Watson, [[/red underline]] his former assistant, [[red underline]] Pupin [[/red underline]] and others were central figures. [[red underline]] Carthy, [[/red underline]] chief engineer of Bell Telephone Co. presiding. 1100 present and telephonic connection with similar meeting in San Francisco 600, Chicago 1000, Philadelphia, Alabama and Boston.

May 17. Finished article for [[red underline]] Harper's Magazine to day [[/red underline]] 

May 18. Early this morning a certain [[red underline]] Dr. Maxim Niven [[/red underline]] who claims to be a chemist from Chicago arrived here for interview relative to a process he claims to have for making tartaric acid from [[red underline]] stale bread. [[/red underline]] 
[[symbol in left margin showing a circle topped by a cross with annotation]] 3 hs [[/symbol and annotation]]
He came here by arrangement of Porter of Royal Baking  

Transcription Notes:
The "Carthy" Baekeland mentions here must be John J. Carty, who was President of American Institute of Electrical Engineers in 1915-1916.