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finally for supper at University Club. - Busy day.  
May 20. Very busy morning catching up with correspondence and much disturbed by telephoning.  [[strikethrough]] May com [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Rossi [[/red underline]] agrees to start Lawrence at making enough black dye so that we are ahead of our needs until we feel we can safely rely on supply from [[Prohaska?]]  Telephoned for very long time with [[red underline]] E. H. Hooker [[/red underline]] as to advisability of making a deal with [[red underline]] Allen Cell [[/red underline]] people.  Ordered [[against?]] 
[[symbol and annotation in left margin]] # 1 h. [[/symbol and annotation]]
Then went motoring alone Celine left Friday morning to join [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] at Cornell and to go to Adirondacks with him 
May 21 (Sunday) Here all morning

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afternoon went out and took Mr. [[red underline]] Falkow [[/red underline]] and his wife out for drive.  Left them at 62 st and went to University Club, where I drove Pupin to his hotel.  
May 22.  Disquieting telegram from Celine, [[red underline]] George shows weak heart and rheumatism as sequel to his illness. [[/red underline]]  Nurse summoned from here this morning to Raquette Lake.  Very busy all day with my letters. [[red underline]] Sutherland [[/red underline]] is ill too.  Told to Paulus he must take Sutherland's work in hand.
[[left margin]] symbol cross atop circle with annotation "1 h." [[/left margin]]
Wrote first part of my [[red underline]] address for University of Pittsburg. [[/red underline]]
May 23.  Here all day.  Am notified that [[red underline]] University of Pittsburgh [[/red underline]] wants to give me honorary degree of [[red underline]] Doctor of Chemistry [[/red underline]] Some better news of [[red underline]] George  [[/red underline]] but he is in bed and can hardly