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[[symbol in top left margin showing a circle topped by a cross]]
move. [[red underline]] Rheumatism and heart trouble. [[/red underline]]

May 24. Tried to telephone to Raquette but did not succeed.- bad connection. Very busy day. Wrote short article for [[red underline]] Phillip Roosevelt [[/red underline]] for his publication on [[red underline]] National Defense. [[/red underline]] Evening went to University Club

May 25. Began writing article for [[red underline]] Scribner's.- [[/red underline]] at it most of day.- Wired to Raquette Lake for news. [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] better but still in bed.- Studied cost of [[red underline]] power for Royal Baking Powder Co. [[/red underline]] 
[[symbol in left margin showing a circle topped by a cross with annotation]] 1 h [[/symbol and annotation]]
Evening went to University Club.

May 26. Beautiful mild spring day. Everything here so beautiful. [[red underline]] Feel sorry I am [[underline]] the only one to enjoy [[/red underline]] it and even this is not correct because I have my hands full of articles to write, letters to answer etc. and so [[strikethrough]] goes [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] fleets life and soon it will [[/red underline]]  
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[[red underline]] be all over [[/red underline]] and in the mean time pushed along and along by the routine of ever increasing responsibilities. Much [[red underline]] more money than necessary [[/red underline]] and yet [[red underline]] poorer in time [[/red underline]] and in opportunities of enjoying life than ever before.
[[strikethrough]] May 2 [[/strikethrough]]
Finished my article for [[red underline]] Scribner's "Renewing the Earth from the Air the Romance of the quest for Nitrogen" [[/red underline]] 

May 27. Busy morning correcting further my article and finishing mail
Afternoon went to Halstead School to see [[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]] and her school play a Greek Play in open air in garden of school [[strikethrough]] Nina [[/strikethrough]]
too bad Celine cannot be here. [[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]] seems tallest of her school.
[[red underline]] Max Toch [[/red underline]] on a visit here with wife, daughter and son in law. I drove to Cornell