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Club in New York where I was invited by [[red underline]] Fisher [[/red underline]] of Perth Amboy for dinner with [[red underline]] Lord Aberdeen, [[/red underline]] former Vice-Roy of Ireland and now in the country with Lady A. for continuing their work for bettering conditions of the poor in Dublin.  He read a letter from his son Dudley, major in british army now fighting in Flanders. [[strikethrough]] See [[/strikethrough]] Wore a big jewel studded star on his evening coat. He is a man about 65 years, kind [[strikethrough]] nervo [[/strikethrough]] pleasing manners, very nervous in speech and action, talks quickly and likes to talk. [[strikethrough]] Very easy demoan [[/strikethrough]] Fisher invited many to speak. After Lord Aberdeen, I spoke, then Carthy of Bell Telephone Co. then Stott of Subway, Cottrell
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etc. The other all prominent engineers etc. Left about 11 PM went to University Club then drove home in drenching rain.

May 28 1916 (Sunday) [[strikethrough]] Quiet [[/strikethrough]] Here for lunch then drove out along Hudson. Nikko Inn a restaurant above cliffs with Croton River below. Picturesque spot but impression spoiled by noisy dance-music which drove me away. Went for supper at Abbey Inn. There excellent music by a violin solo who played splendid selection.- Violent thunder and rainstorm

May 29. Today wrote beginning of article for [[red underline]] World's Work [[/red underline]]
Evening went to call at Hasslacher.

May 30 ([[strikethrough]] Tham [[/strikethrough]] Decoration Day) rather cloudy weather.
[[strikethrough]] Evening [[/strikethrough]]
Afternoon drove to [[red underline]] Palisades [[/red underline]] Interstate Park to see the thousands of excursionists - happy crowd