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[[red underline]] Kirk Brown of Condensite [[/red underline]] Co at Engineers. They came to see me in regard to question of conflicting patents in regard to [[red underline]] double [[/red underline]] solvents for lacquer. Dyer made 
^[[spoke]] first [[strikethrough]] speech [[/strikethrough]] repeating wanted to operate in harmony and must uphold mutually our patents etc. I told them I personally was willing to follow along these lines and even give them benefit of doubt in this instance but [[red underline]] present contract with Damard forbade me [[/red underline]] to aquiesce to any arrangement with them without consulting them. Explained them [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] present condition of Damard and how [[red underline]] Nikolas is trying to buy out Damard Co. [[/red underline]] Promised them to show Damard contract and how I too saw necessity
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[[start page]]
of preparing ourselves against future inroads of [[red underline]] synthite and Redman [[/red underline]] and also Europeans as soon as war would be over and raw materials would be more abundantly available. Mentioned also that I felt we ought to request [[red underline]] Edison [[/red underline]] to recognize my patents. But they say they have no business connections with [[red underline]] Edison. [[/red underline]] We left in good friendly feeling. I went to Grand Central Palace to [[red underline]] Bazar of Allied Nations [[/red underline]] conducted by volunteers, mostly ladies of [[strikethrough]] City [[/strikethrough]] New York. Very interesting exhibit of French Government with [[red underline]] relics of war [[/red underline]] -- Battered and scattered guns French and German, remnants of destroyed aeroplane engines two captured German aeroplanes with black crosses on their white wings etc.

Transcription Notes:
When reviewing this page I removed the two spaces between sentences. It is my understanding that this are no longer appropriate and only take up space in the data bases. Also removed line feed that had been inserted between end and start page, same reason as noted above. If wrong, someone correct me before I do this again!