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and porter helped me out taxi-cab it was raining. He said: " I [[red underline]] wonder what vegetarians will do - they will have to eat meat because all vegetables are rotting [[/red underline]] in this excess of rain". Rather unexpected to have a hotel porter worry about [[red underline]] vegetarians. [[/red underline]] I went to [[strikethrough]] spend [[/strikethrough]] visit again the [[red underline]] Public Library [[/red underline]] - not only an impressive work of art but specially impressive by [[red underline]] steady number of readers. [[/red underline]] Left with 6 P.M boat for New York via the newly constructed Cape-Cod Canal
June 23. Arrived early. [[red underline]] Albert [[/red underline]] came to meet me at University Club and drove me to Yonkers. [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] better and
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sitting up. Much work on account of belated mail so busy day dictating 
[[red underline]] Chancellor McCormick of University of Pittsburgh wrote me warm letter of thanks [[/red underline]] and appreciation. [[red underline]] Rossi [[/red underline]] says everything O.K at factory and orders good. [[red underline]] Gordon [[/red underline]] has been [[red underline]] called to his regiment [[/red underline]] and leaves [[red underline]] for border. [[/red underline]] We shall pay him his full salary while absent.
[[red underline]] Rossi [[/red underline]] says my recommendation of using orthocresol for plastic sheet have been tried and [[red underline]] give encouraging results. [[/red underline]]
June 24. Another busy morning 
Spent afternoon writing popular article on [[red underline]] history of gas. [[/red underline]] and shortening my article for [[red underline]] World's Work 
Celine and Nina [[/red underline]] active at a garden party at Duel's