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[[circle with cross above in top left margin]]
[[strikethrough]] back the impudence of Nina I feel like a fool in a threadmill.  [[/strikethrough]]
[[red underline]] other hidden talents he [[/red underline]] has.
July 28. [[strikethrough]] Dr [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Dr. Peter [[/red underline]] here this morning in conference with me.
[[circle cross above and "4 hs." in left margin]] Afterward [[red underline]] McKenzie [[/red underline]] here also for lunch. Then drove all together to New York to [[red underline]] Chemists Club [[/red underline]] where met [[red underline]] A. A. Noyes. [[/red underline]] long conference about [[red underline]] Nitrate Committee. [[/red underline]] He gives me a nicely bound typewritten report of [[red underline]] Frank Washburn giving details of costs of all [[strikethrough]] synth [[/strikethrough]] nitrogen fixation [[/red underline]] processes and details as to financial situation of whole problem as well as its technical problems. Took him and [[red underline]] Chas Parsons [[/red underline]] to University Club where
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we had supper together with [[red underline]] Cary Huchinson and Mershon. ^[[Charles]] Parsons [[/red underline]] undoubtedly is very friendly to that boor [[red underline]] Dr. Love. [[/red underline]] and tries to excuse him. Later on [[red underline]] Herty [[/red underline]] joined us and we talked until late about [[red underline]] nitrogen problems. [[/red underline]] We all seem to agree that [[strikethrough]] chem [[/strikethrough]] most direct and simplest way for [[red underline]] nitric acid [[/red underline]] for war is [[red underline]] oxidation of ammonia [[/red underline]] We also agree that hydroelectric plant of [[red underline]] Government can [[/red underline]] be built and operated efficiently. But from here we differ and [[red underline]] Parsons [[/red underline]] fears that fertilizer made by Government will become a pretext for [[red underline]] vote getting from farmers. [[/red underline]] I do not think so. I believe [[red underline]] Government can set an example here to private industries and private enterprises which heretofore have run this [[/red underline]]